Welcome to the Colorado
Psychedelic Cup's Public Leaderboard
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Began to explore the data below by one of three ways:
1. Download the Raw Data Table (Available after 11/2/24)
2. View the Cup Overview Write Up (Available after 11/2/24)
3. Click On Suggested Questions to View Pre-Made Graphs*
3. Interact with our TrypTable Below to Visualize Your Own Custom Datasets!*
* All results will be updated bi-weekly until the competition is complete.
Public Edible Data
Since providing useful data to the community is a core aspect of Tryptomics, we have also been working on displaying some of this edible data we've collected over the past couple years. Right now, it's just a start, but feel free to download our report at the bottom to see all the data in more depth! If you want to see more of this type of data, support us on patreon and suggest the projects you want to see!